Frequently Asked Questions
We want you to find the part you need as quickly and easily as possible so we have given you a couple of options.
You can search for parts, send Parts Enquiries to Suppliers and access Supplier contact details all without becoming a member.
The benefits of being a member mean finding the parts you need is even quicker and easier. As a member you can save parts for later into your ‘My Parts’ wish list. Parts Enquiries are super fast with your details pre-filled so all you have to do is add any comments and hit send! You also get a free subscription to Parts Locator Digital Magazine – delivered to your inbox every month. Plus we’ll keep adding new features.
So being a member of gets you heaps of benefits – and it’s free!
A Private membership is for the general public or non-business members.
A Trade membership is for business members. A Trade member must have a valid ABN and be in an auto related industry.
A Supplier membership is for parts supply businesses to be Authorised Suppliers on and in the Parts Locator magazine.
At this stage membership is only available to Australia residents.
Simply click on the ‘Join’ tab located in the header in the top right corner and select ‘Join as a Private Member’.
Then all you have to do is complete the quick registration form.
Your email address is your username and also where any Part Enquiries you make are sent so take care in entering your address correctly.
We need a few details from you to become a member. Providing genuine information helps save you time, making it quick and easy for you to find the parts you need. It also helps us to provide a safe place to buy & sell.
You will be automatically logged in once you hit ‘Register’ and be conveniently returned to the last page you visited.
You will receive a ‘Welcome to’ email from us letting you know what being a Private member means for you.
Simply click on the ‘Join’ tab located in the header in the top right corner and select ‘Join as a Trade Member’.
Then all you have to do is complete the quick registration form.
Your email address is your username and also where any Part Enquiries you make are sent so take care in entering your address correctly.
We need a few details from you to become a member. Providing genuine information helps save you time, making it quick and easy for you to find the parts you need. It also helps us to provide a safe place to buy & sell.
Your selection in ‘Trade Type’ is used for your category for your free Trade Phonebook ad so choose the most appropriate trade type for your business.
You will be automatically logged in once you hit ‘Register’ and be conveniently returned to the last page you visited.
You will receive a ‘Welcome to’ email from us letting you know what being a Trade member means for you.
A Supplier membership is currently available to Auto Parts Recycling businesses (also known as Auto Dismantlers or Auto Wreckers) located in Australia.
The Supplier membership gives access to advertising packages on and in Parts Locator magazine. The advertising packages allow the Supplier to advertise the parts they have for sale and receive Parts Enquiries from users searching for parts.
You can login from any page on the site by navigating to the ‘Login’ tab in the header on the top right corner. Simply enter your username and password in the dropdown login window and hit ‘Login’.
You can also save your details to make logging in quicker and easier by checking the ‘Remember My Details’ in the login window.
If you click on Login you will be taken to a login page where you simply enter your username and password into the required fields and hit ‘Login’
To login to please use the email address that you used to create your account as your username.
If you have a new email address you can simply update your current membership by changing your email address and therefore username to your new address.
Just log in with your current username and password and navigate to ‘My Details.
To update your username to your current email address all you need to do is enter your new address in the Username field in the Login section of My Details.
And hit ‘Save Changes’. All done! You now login with your new email address as your username and your chosen password.
If you have forgotten your password don’t worry we’ll send you a new one! You can click here or find the forgotten password link in the login dropdown box located in the header.
Just enter your email address and hit ‘Send’.
You will be sent an automated password reset email. Make sure to check your junk mail folder.
Now return to login either by clicking here or in the login dropdown box located in the header. Enter your username (email address) and either enter or copy and paste the temporary password into the password field.
Once you have successfully logged in you can change your password to something you’ll remember in the ‘My Details’ section of ‘My Account’.
If you want to change your password from a temporary reset password, or if you just want to change it for security reasons, you can change it in the ‘My Details’ section of ‘My Account’.
Once you are logged in with your temporary or current password you will see your account name in the header in the top right corner. If you are a Private member it will be your first name. If you are a Trade or Supplier member it will be your business name.
Hover over your account name to dropdown your ‘My Account’ menu.
Select ‘My Details’ from the ‘My Account’ drop down menu.
In ‘My Details’ click on the ‘Change Password?’ link located under your Username (email address).
To change your password simply enter the temporary or your current password into the ‘Current Password’ field. Then enter your new password twice into the ‘New Password’ and ‘Confirm New Password’ fields and hit ‘Send’.
You will receive a success message and now use the new password to login.
If your find your email is already registered you can simply reset your password following the process outlined in ‘I have forgotten my password’.
If any of your business details have change make sure you update them in ‘My Details’. Click here for how to update your business details as a Trade member. Click here for how to update your business details as a Supplier member.
Your username is an email address. If you are unsure what email was used please contact us.
If you know the username but not the password click here to reset your password.
If you know your login details you can update the contact details on your account in ‘My Details’.
Currently is available to advertise auto parts.
There are two options to find the parts you need – the Quick Search and the Advanced Search.
The Quick Search is the fastest way to search for parts. You can find it on the Home Page.
If you need a more detailed search you can perform an Advanced Search which offers more vehicle details and location search. Just click on ‘Advanced Search’ link beside the Keyword field in the Quick Search.
The Quick Search on the Home Page is the fastest way to look for parts. All you need to select is the Make and Model of the part you need and hit ‘Search’! It’s that easy!
You can either make your selections with your cursor, or you can type and use enter to select the correct option from the menu. Then use tab to move to the next field.
If you know exactly what part you need you can target your search by entering the Year, Part Type and Part.
You can also use keywords, such as Bonnet or XR6, in the Keyword field in conjunction with the mandatory Make and Model to customize your search.
Looking for a part for a specific vehicle? The Advanced Search allows you to target your search using as many vehicle specifications as you require.
The vehicle specifications are Make, Model, Year, Series, Trim, Body, Gearbox and Engine. After choosing the Part Type you can select the part you need.
You can also search by your Location and distance from your location by entering your Postcode in to the Location field and selecting a Location radius from the dropdown.
Advanced Search also allows to use keywords, such as Bonnet or XR6, in the Keyword field in conjunction with the mandatory Make and Model to customize your search.
You can use Keywords with both a Quick Search and Advanced Search. Using a keyword allows you to simply speed up your search by just typing what you need, for example Bonnet or XR6. The Keyword Search must be used in conjunction with a Make and Model.
Whether you’re browsing or you know exactly what you are looking for, you want to start your search with the correct vehicle. uses ‘SmartSearch’ to make selecting the correct vehicle details for your search quick and easy.
‘SmartSearch’ is used wherever you select vehicle details – Quick Search, Advanced Search, Refine Search and My Listings – to ensure only the correct vehicle specifications are available based on your previous selections. If you change a selection such as Year this will effect the options available in the other vehicle details.
Whether you’re selling or searching, ‘SmartSearch’ takes the guesswork out of selecting the correct vehicle. uses industry standard data, supplied by the car manufacturers themselves. Our vehicle data is current and specific to the Australia Automotive Market.
Make sure to double-check your vehicle details, Series and Trim in particular, as each car manufacturer can use them differently. A production date for a vehicle can be different to its release date. You can always do a broad search first and then refine your results using the ‘Refine’ menu on the Search Results page.
All that being said even vehicle manufacturer data can have mistakes. If you believe there is a genuine error in the vehicle data please contact us with the full vehicle details and we’ll investigate for you. has a comprehensive parts list from the smallest part like a Right Front Door Key Barrel to car sections like a Body Shell.
We have organized parts into categories to make finding the part you need easier. We even have a ‘Quick Parts’ category that has the most commonly required parts.
The Part Type menu in the ‘Quick Search’ and ‘Advanced Search’ has the following categories that you make your selection from to populate the Part menu: Quick Parts, Sections, Front Parts, Rear Parts, Doors, Engine, Transmission & Diffs, Steering & Suspension, Brakes, Electrical, Fuel, Airbags, Interior & Trim, Glass, Heating & Cooling, Air Conditioning and Accessories/Misc.
So if you are unsure of the name of the part you need you- can start by selecting the category that you think it belongs and then looking in the Part menu.
Or you could simply select the Make and Model of your vehicle and use the Keyword search.
The Refine Search menu gives you total control over your search results.
All the vehicle specifications menus and part type categories are available as facets that you can use to refine your search.
A facet will only display if there is at least one option with at least one part in the menu or category. The number of parts is displayed in brackets beside the facets values.
Vehicle details default to display the top 10 options for each category based on the number of parts listed. Click ‘Show More’ to view all available options for that vehicle facet.
Part category facets default to display the top 5 parts for each category based on the number of parts listed. Click ‘Show More’ to view all available options for that part category facet.
You can expand and collapse vehicle and part category facets by clicking the + and – symbols beside the facet heading.
If you see this message it means that there currently aren’t any parts that match your search selections.
Try modifying some of your selections in the Refine Search menu.
You can also perform a ‘New Search’ or ‘Clear All Selections’ which clears the selections of your search back to the Make. From there you can narrow your search using the facets in the Refine Search menu.
You sure can! Every part has a ‘Save Part’ link both in the Search Results and on the Part Detail Page.
You need to be a member and logged in to save parts to your ‘My Parts’. To save a part from the Search Results just click on the ‘Save Part’ link located to the left of the View button on each listing.
To save a part from the Part Detail page just click on the ‘Save this Part’ link located in the Toolbox in the left sidebar.
Click here to find out how to access your saved parts in ‘My Parts’.
The ‘Toolbox’ gives you quick access to recent parts, previous searches and ways to share or save parts.
The ‘Toolbox’ on the search Results is located in the right side bar.
It shows you recently viewed parts that you can click on to view again. Your Last Search is also saved so you can keep track of your searches. Click on the vehicle detail link to perform that search again.
The Part Detail page ‘Toolbox’ gives you options to share a part by ‘Send to Friend’ and save a part for later by either printing or ‘Save this Part’ to add it to your ‘My Parts’.
You can also return to parts that you have recently visited by clicking on the part displayed under ‘Recently Viewed Parts’.
CFP stand for ‘Contact for Price’. You will need to contact the Supplier using the Part Enquiry form or call them for more details.
‘In Stock Guarantee*’ is displayed on parts that are linked directly into from that Supplier’s inventory. It’s not a 100% guarantee that the part will still be available when you make your enquiry as the part could have recently been sold to another customer. However it is an indication that the part is an inventoried item and mostly likely available to purchase immediately.
From the Part Detail Page you have two options to contact the Supplier. The Part Enquiry form is located in the right sidebar.
If you would like to call the Supplier directly you can access their contact number by clicking ‘Reveal Seller’s Phone Number’. This will display the Supplier contact phone number. Tell the Supplier you found the part on, the full vehicle and part details and any extra information in the description.
You can also contact the Supplier by submitting a Part Enquiry.
A Part Enquiry is the most effective way to make an enquiry on a part. The Supplier receives an email detailing the exact part you are enquiring about along with your contact details. It minimizes the time often taken trying to explain the part you need over the phone. You submit a part enquiry and the Supplier contacts you!
If you are not a member you will need to complete the required fields – Name, Email Address and Postcode. If you are a member your contact details will be pre-populated for you to make submitting parts enquiries faster.
You can enter a contact phone number if you would like the Supplier to call you and any comments or questions you have about the part in the Comments field.
Once you send your Part Enquiry you will receive a email confirming your part enquiry has been sent to the Supplier. It will include the details of the part and vehicle and the Business Name, Address and contact number of the Supplier.
You can either wait for the Supplier to contact you about the part or you can contact them using the details included in the email.
All suppliers listing their parts on are paid advertisers. does not give any recommendations and cannot guarantee the level of service from any the advertisers.
As with any online transaction it is your responsibility to confirm the identity of anyone you choose to do business with. Any correspondence and/or transaction between you and a Supplier is solely your responsibility.
If contacting the Supplier directly doesn’t resolve the issue you are welcome to contact the ACCC who are there to assist with consumer to business issues.
We plan to introduce a rating system by which members can rate their interaction with a Supplier. Suppliers will have a rating that indicates their level of service from which users can base their decision on which Suppliers they want to conduct business with.
Currently you must be a Supplier member to list parts and receive Parts Enquiries on Find out more about becoming a Supplier member
Private or Trade member do not currently have access to list parts and receive Parts Enquiries on However, this service may soon be available to private and trade members.
My Listings is your portal to manage your listings for and Parts Locator Magazine.
Once you are logged in select My Listings in the My Account dropdown menu.
Under the My Listings heading you will see Listings on Web and Listings in Mag with the quota for each. The quotas display the number of listings entered against your total quota for each listing type.
To add new web or magazine listings just click on the Submit New Listing button in the top right corner of My Listings.
You need to select the type of listing you want to enter by clicking on Web Listing or Magazine Listing.
Web and Magazine listings are separate as they have different features.
A Magazine Listing has:
- • A character restriction due to printing
- • Vehicle details and part names are abbreviated to help fit as many parts in the character restriction as possible.
- • You can only enter Vehicle Details and Parts
A Web Listing has:
- • Unlimited Parts due to no character restriction
- • You can enter complete vehicle details due to no character restriction
- • Additional vehicle information such as Kilometres and Colour
- • Additional Part information such as Condition, Price, Image and Part Description.
It also allows you greater control on your advertising as you can target your listings to each advertising method.
Selecting Web Listing will display the Vehicle Detail menus.
The Vehicle Detail fields available are: Make, Model, Year, Series, Trim, Body, Gearbox, Engine, Kilometres and Colour.
Make, Model and Year are mandatory fields. The rest of the vehicle details are optional.
To help parts buyers find the parts they need and to get your parts in more search results we recommend you enter as many, if not all, of the vehicle details. It helps parts buyers find your part through the Refine menu on the Search Results.
The Vehicle Detail menus use ‘SmartSearch’ to make selecting the correct vehicle details quick and easy.
Once you have selected Make, Model and Year the rest of the Vehicle Details fields will populate with the available specifications. Then as you select further details the remaining fields will continue to update with the available specifications based on all your current selections.
Once you have completed the Vehicle Details hit Save Car.
You can now start adding parts.
- • Select the Part Type. This is the area of the car that the part is from such as Front Parts or the type of part such as Electrical. There is also ‘Quick Parts’ that has the most common parts for quick access.
- • Select the Part. Once you have selected the Part Type the Part menu is populated with the available parts for that category. Search for or scroll down to find your part.
- • Enter a Part Description. Use for any extra information you have about the part such ‘Reconditioned’ or ‘Metallic paint’.
- • You have the option of entering a Part Price. Parts buyers can sort search results by Price. Advertising a price means the parts buyer has vital information to make their Enquiry.
- • If you choose not to enter a Price you can select Contact for Price. This displays ‘CFP’ on the listing so the parts buyer knows to contact you to find out the price.
- • Upload an image. You can add a specific image on each part. Images are essential to helping parts buyers find the part they need. Just click the blue Add Image button and select the required image from your files.
- • To save the part hit the + button (plus sign)
- • Additional vehicle information such as Kilometres and Colour
- • To edit a part on a listing click the green pencil Edit icon.
- • To delete a part on a listing click the red rubbish bin Delete icon and confirm.
- • You can keep adding as many parts as you require as it is unlimited parts on Web listings.
Select a Condition and enter a Part Description, and Price and upload an image – the more information you enter on a part the better. It helps parts buyers find your part through the Refine menu on the Search Results.
Once you have added all the parts you require you can:
- • Save and Close to save the listing and return to My Listings
- • Save and Add More Listings to save the listing and add another.
- • Cancel returns you to My Listings without saving your listing if it is new or your changes if you are editing a listing.
Selecting Magazine Listing will display the Vehicle Detail menus.
The Vehicle Detail fields available are: Make, Model, Year, Series, Trim, Body, Gearbox and Engine.
Make, Model and Year are mandatory fields. They are not included in the character count. The rest of the vehicle details are optional and included in the character count.
As you make Vehicle Detail selections the Magazine Listing Preview will populate with the corresponding abbreviation.
To make the most out of each listing by having maximum parts listed, only select the Vehicle Details that are relevant to the parts. For example if you are listing mechanical or electrical parts don’t select a Body type, as it will use valuable characters.
Once you are finished selecting Vehicle Details hit Save Car.
You can now start adding parts.
- • Select the Part Type. This is the area of the car that the part is from such as Front Parts or the type of part such as Electrical. There is also ‘Quick Parts’ that has the most common parts for quick access.
- • Select the Part. Once you have selected the Part Type the Part menu is populated with the available parts for that category. Search for or scroll down to find your part.
- • To save the part hit the + button (plus sign)
- • To edit a part on a listing click the green pencil Edit icon.
- • To delete a part on a listing click the red rubbish bin Delete icon and confirm.
Condition, Part Description, Part Price and ‘Contact for Price’ and Add Image are disabled as they are not applicable for Magazine Listings.
Parts will be displayed in the Magazine Listing Preview as they are entered on the listing. Keep an eye on the Character count at the bottom of the Magazine Listing Preview.
Depending on your advertising package you can have up to 40 or 60 characters per listing.
Continue until you have added all the parts you require or reached your character limit.
If you try add a part that will exceed your character limit you will receive a Exceeded Max Characters warning. You have a few options. You can save this listing and add another of the same vehicle to add more parts. Or you could find a part that fits the remaining characters on the listing. Or if you need to list that part you could remove part/s on the listing to make characters available.
Once your listing is complete you can:
- • Save and Close to save the listing and return to My Listings.
- • Save and Add More Listings to save the listing and add another.
- • Cancel returns you to My Listings without saving your listing if it is new or your changes if you are editing a listing.
To edit a Magazine Listing select the required listing from My Listings by clicking the View/Edit button on the listing.
Make, Model and Year are locked, however you can edit any of the other Vehicle Details and add/remove parts subject to your character count.
To edit a Web Listing select the required listing from My Listings by clicking the View/Edit button on the listing.
Make, Model and Year are locked, however you can edit any of the other Vehicle Details and add/edit/remove parts.
If you have a listing or listings that are no longer required you have three options.
If the vehicle is still in stock but you have different parts available you can just edit the listing by removing and adding parts.
If it is a vehicle and parts that you frequently have in stock you can Deactivate the listing. This mean that the listings is not active in it’s applicable listings quota and will not display. It means that the listing and all its parts are saved so that when you do have stock you can simply Activate the listing again rather than having to re-enter all the details and parts.
If you no longer require the listing at all you can delete it from My Listings.
Great News! Once a part is sold you have a few options.
If you are integrating your inventory with the part will be automatically removed from whichever listing type is it listed.
If you manually reference your listed parts to your stock inventory then you will want to either remove that part or edit the reference so you know what inventoried part a future Part Enquiry has been made on.
If you do not reference your parts to your inventory and it is a part that is always in stock you simply leave the part on its current listing. If you do this keep in mind that Search Results are displayed in date entered order so the freshest parts are at the top of the results.
To Deactivate a listing just select the listing/s you wish to deactivate by checking the box in the first column in My Listings, then clicking the red Deactivate button located at the bottom of the column.
Once you have confirmed the deactivation those listings will be removed from it’s applicable quota and displayed in red.
To Activate a listing that has been deactivated select the select the listing/s you wish to activate by checking the box in the first column in My Listings, then clicking the green Activate button located at the bottom of the column.
Once you have confirmed the activation those listings will be added to its applicable quota and returned to normal display.
You must have the available quota to be able to activate a deactivated listing.
To Delete a listing just select the listing/s you wish to delete by checking the box in the first column in My Listings, then clicking the red Delete button located at the bottom of the column.
Once you have confirmed the deletion those listings will be permanently removed from My Listings.
To change the image on a part in a Web Listing just click the green Edit icon on the applicable part. Then click Add/Edit Image and select the images from your files. Hit + (plus symbol) to save.
Once you have saved a car the Make, Model and Year selections are locked. You can still change the other Vehicle Details if necessary.
If this listing is no longer required just delete or deactivate it in My Listings. uses ‘SmartSearch’ to make selecting the correct vehicle details quick and easy.
‘SmartSearch’ is used wherever you select vehicle details – Quick Search, Advanced Search, Refine Search and My Listings – to ensure only the correct vehicle specifications are available based on your previous selections. If you change a selection such as Year this will effect the options available in the remaining vehicle details.
Whether you’re selling or searching, ‘SmartSearch’ takes the guesswork out of selecting the correct uses ‘SmartSearch’ to make selecting the correct vehicle details quick and easy.
Make sure to double-check your vehicle details, Series and Trim in particular, as each car manufacturer can use them differently. A production date for a vehicle can be different to its release date. You can always do a broad search first and then refine your results using the ‘Refine’ menu on the Search Results page.
All that being said even vehicle manufacturer data can have mistakes. If you believe there is a genuine error in the vehicle data please contact us with the full vehicle details and we’ll investigate for you.
Great News! A parts buyer is interested in your part. Now you need to contact them and see if you can close the sale.
The Part Enquiry Email gives you all the information you need. It tells you the part that was searched for and the actual part on which the enquiry was made in case it is an interchange part. You get all the part and vehicle details from the listing (they may be different if its an interchange part), the contact details of the user making the enquiry and any comments or questions they have.
Make sure you contact your potential customer as quickly as possible and use the Request ID to reference the enquiry with the customer.
To find out about the history of Parts Locator visit About Us
Fresh Parts is a snapshot of the freshest parts on
You’ll find it on the home page where is constantly updated with the most recently added parts.
To view any of these Fresh Parts just click on the image or label to go to the Part Detail page where you can make a Part Enquiry.
There is always a lot happening in the auto industry. Spotlight keeps you up to date with the latest news, reviews and events in the industry. .
To read more just click on the article’s heading to go to the entire article.
You can read more auto news here.
Parts Locator magazine is available by subscription and delivered by post every month. You can subscribe here for 1 or 2 years or by clicking the Parts Locator Magazine tab in the header.
Parts Locator Digital Magazine is a interactive online version of Parts Locator magazine that has been fully optimized - access Supplier’s websites directly from the magazine, search the magazine for a part or business, expanded content and image galleries.
Parts Locator Digital magazine is available free for to all members of
It is delivered at the start of every month to your inbox to view in your browser or device.
Find out more about advertising with Parts Locator Magazine here.
Auto News is your source for all auto industry related news, reviews and events. You can find monthly updates and articles from National and State Industry Associations, as well as auto news from around Australia and the world. There is also a feature profile each month of an auto supplies business so members can get to know the Suppliers.
You can search Auto News using the Filter By fields in the top left corner.
You can filter the news by State and/or month.
To read an article just click ‘View’.
If you would like to submit an article for consideration for Auto News please contact us with your idea or submission. Publication is at the discretion of and subject to the editorial of Parts Locator Pty Ltd.
The Trade Phonebook is the auto industry’s most comprehensive business directory covering every type of auto service including 4x4 Parts and Accessories, Auto Electrical, Battery and Brakes, Car Clubs and Industry Associations, Car removal, Security, Storage, Transportation, Insurance, Mechanical and Panel Repairs, Tyres, Windscreens and many more.
To search the Trade Phonebook for the service you need click here.
You can search the Trade Phonebook a number of ways. You can just select the service you require from the Business Type menu. Or for more targeted results you can select the business type you require, the postcode of your location and the distance radius from your location.
On the results you can view the basic details of the businesses – Business Name, Address, Phone and Fax numbers.
Click on the hidden phone number to reveal the complete number.
To view the business detail page click on ‘View’
The business detail page provides further business details and a mapped location of the business.
Again click on the hidden number to reveal the complete phone number.
To search the Trade Phonebook for the service you need click here.
To advertise your business in the Trade Phonebook you just need to join as a free Trade member.
A basic Trade Phonebook ad is a free feature of the Trade membership. Click here to join now.
Once you are a member see How do I activate my free Trade Phonebook ad? if you need help.
Supplier members also receive a free Trade Phonebook ad. See Meber FAQs to find out more about becoming a Supplier member.
It sounds like you might have a javascript or cookies problem. Go to to get the latest version of Java. You can also try enabling cookies in your browser.
Parts Locator will issue a refund, subject to the individual product’s Terms and Conditions, in circumstances required by Victorian consumer protection law, or at our discretion.
Advertisers warrant to Parts Locator Pty Ltd that they are the owner of, or legally authorised to use, any business name, trademark, design, logo, photograph, illustration, graphic, artwork or other material that forms part of their advertisement and indemnify Parts Locator Pty Ltd in relation to any misuse. Due care and diligence is used in the preparation of this webaite and Directory, but Parts Locator Pty Ltd is not responsible or liable for any mistake, misprint, omission or typographical error. Parts Locator Pty Ltd publishes advertisements supplied and gives no warranty and makes no representation as to the truth, accuracy or sufficiency of any parts, photos or statements. Parts Locator Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any loss that may be suffered by any person who uses either wholly or in part any description, photo or statement in this directory. All artwork/content created by Parts Locator Pty Ltd are the copyright of Parts Locator Pty Ltd and are protected by applicable copyright, trademarks, and intellectual property rights. The copying, redistribution, use or publication by anyone of any such artwork/content, or any part of, is prohibited unless permission given by Parts Locator Pty Ltd.
Casual display advertising cancellations must be in writing before the respective monthly deadlines, otherwise costs are incurred for that month. A casual booking is classified as all ongoing display advertisements with a current contract or a 1-month contracted advertisement. Cancellation of display advertising under contract will incur a cancellation fee equivalent to the contracted monthly rate multiplied by the number of months remaining in the contract. Alternate or random months will incur casual rate. The Advertiser agrees to the terms of payment as invoiced. Once proofs have been signed off by advertiser, and/or the approval deadline has passed, any printing errors are responsibility of advertiser. Unless artwork/images are supplied to our specifications we cannot guarantee print quality. Due to the nature of the printing process Parts Locator accepts no responsibility in print quality/colour reproduction.
Listings accounts are available in 3-month periods. Payment of each 3-month period must be made before the period commences; either processed through Parts Locator's Automatic Credit Card or Direct Debit facilities. Failure to do so will result in the listings account being suspended until payment is made. Further conditions apply to the Automatic Credit Card and Direct Debit Authority – Refer to the applicable form which can be obtained by contacting the Accounts Department. Payment for the first 3-month period may be made by a one off payment by cheque, credit card or direct deposit. It is the advertiser's responsibility to utilise their listings account.
Listing cancellations must be in writing before the current 3-month period expires otherwise all costs are incurred for the following 3-month period. Advertisers understand that in registering for listings they are contracted to an initial 3-month contract that continues indefinitely until aforementioned written cancellation is received before the current 3-month period expires. It is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify Parts Locator of any change of contact details regarding online requests, billing or change of business ownership. All ongoing listings accounts without a current contract are subject to the same billing periods and therefore the same cancellation conditions as current contracted listings.
Parts Locator Pty Ltd may cancel any advertising if the advertiser fails to comply with these agreed terms and our terms of payment. The owners/directors of the advertising business accept full responsibility for any outstanding debt. All debt recovery costs will be borne by the advertiser.